Saw an Indian TV Commerical in an Indian restaurant, selling whitening body and face lotion. The commerical really caught my attention, big time. Not because I tried to be lighter myself, but simply because, why????
I've seen self-tanning body lotion in the U.S., self-whitening body lotion in the Phillipines and Thailand, and whitening face lotion in Taiwan. However; I can't seem to find self-tanning lotion anywhere on the open shelves in Asia. Why? Why people with lighter complexion try to be darker, and those who have darker complexion try to be lighter?
Grass is greener at the other side, is that really true? Married people envy singles, and singles try their best to get married. Natural straight-hair perm their hair curl, but natural curly-hair have their hair straighten. White people get tanned, and asians get whitened. To have something we do not own or have right now, is really more interesting? When we try our best to get something we used not have, becoming someone we are not, would we really turn out to be happier after we finally get them?
Will that be possible that, the grass is neither green after we've been to both sides? Or the side you stood at the first place turned out to be greener after you've actually tried the other side?
I finally understand why no Asian girls like to go to the beach and get tanned with me. ;op