中西合璧 East meets West

Friday, February 25, 2005

Question the Authorities? Obey the Authorities?

Westerners tend to teach their children to question the authorities, while Asians teach their children to obey and listen to the authorities.

Asians like me who always question the authorities, feeling like the outsiders most of the times in most situations.

Am I the person who were born in the wrong society and time?


今天早上下著滂陀大雨,趕忙去找昨天看到的小小黑,很難過的,不見小小黑的蹤影。 昨天晚上等著老闆娘上晚飯時,你在地上開心純真的滾著玩,還是一隻小幼犬。 突然來了一個沒有愛心的男人,踢了你好幾腳想把你趕開,輕輕的幾腳,燃起我滿腔的怒火,上前為你受欺負打抱不平。 沒多久就跟這個我很想也海踢他幾腳的男人爭吵起來,男人理虧了,用閩南語叫囂著沒見過像我這樣的女孩,欺負他一個老頭子。

老頭子? 長相身型都魁武的老頭子? 老頭子就有權力可以欺負比他更弱小的動物嗎? 何況小小黑也沒惹到他,不過是在路邊自己玩耍,誰想要玩得開心時被不認識的王八蛋突然來踢一腳?

身旁擠滿安靜無聲但在看戲的人,或許多覺得我雞婆也不甘我的事。 但是如果這個人踢到的是他們的小孩,小狗,甚至是愛車,應該大家都會上前理論一番吧? 都可以為沒有生命的車子理論了,為甚麼一個有生命的幼犬會不值得我們為他無法說人話而仗義執言呢?



Thursday, February 24, 2005


我承認我不是讀書的料,小時候背這些名言,一點也不瞭解其中真正的意義。 直到最近看到,突然間瞭解了----生命的意義,就是傳宗接代----生小孩


是時代的變遷造成名言不再適用,還是蔣公在當時的時代背景說出那樣的話時,也有人跟我現在一樣一愣的?還是我的生命意義,到現在還沒找到,只是因為我還沒生小孩? 那,哪位善心人,小孩借一下讓我感受一下生命的意義吧!

i'm a grandma! Posted by Hello


每一則下短文下有一個 Comments。 請有興趣的人留言,好話壞話都歡迎。

Is grass really greener at the other side?

Saw an Indian TV Commerical in an Indian restaurant, selling whitening body and face lotion. The commerical really caught my attention, big time. Not because I tried to be lighter myself, but simply because, why????

I've seen self-tanning body lotion in the U.S., self-whitening body lotion in the Phillipines and Thailand, and whitening face lotion in Taiwan. However; I can't seem to find self-tanning lotion anywhere on the open shelves in Asia. Why? Why people with lighter complexion try to be darker, and those who have darker complexion try to be lighter?

Grass is greener at the other side, is that really true? Married people envy singles, and singles try their best to get married. Natural straight-hair perm their hair curl, but natural curly-hair have their hair straighten. White people get tanned, and asians get whitened. To have something we do not own or have right now, is really more interesting? When we try our best to get something we used not have, becoming someone we are not, would we really turn out to be happier after we finally get them?

Will that be possible that, the grass is neither green after we've been to both sides? Or the side you stood at the first place turned out to be greener after you've actually tried the other side?
I finally understand why no Asian girls like to go to the beach and get tanned with me. ;op

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


小虎的媽媽上台北,小虎回娘家預計借住幾週。 才一個月沒看到小虎,正值青春年華的小虎,竟然對他的貓媽媽,貓妹妹和貓哥哥做起猥褻不堪的動作。 貓媽媽和貓妹妹凶悍的捍衛自己免受亂倫之累,呆頭呆腦忠厚老實的貓弟弟布朗尼先生,竟然成為小虎色慾攻心下的犧牲品。 這種無魚蝦也好的態度,不禁讓我這個人類外婆感到疑惑,小虎,你真的那麼秋嗎?


想告訴我正身陷苦海的好朋友,妳的前男人心花了,換伴了,不要太過於苛責妳自己。 或許那段逝去的感情妳有一些過錯也需要承擔,但是當雄性動物的時間到了,如果無法壓抑,他或許會開始做出令妳難過並難堪的事來,就像小虎一樣。 小虎的媽媽,妹妹和哥哥,甚至於我這個被他尿味和半夜奮力叫春聲懲罰的外婆,沒有人可以為他的秋行為負責。 他的生理時鐘時間到了,腦和心就像不見了,原本可愛純真愛撒嬌討人喜的小虎,如今面目猙獰只為滿足他與生俱來的自然反應。

這樣一竿子打翻一整船雄性動物,好像不太公平。 不過好心善良又很有自制力和倫理道德觀念並且正在看本文的雄性動物,我向您致上我的最高敬意。 不小心受了傷,我還是可以瞎掰另一個毫無理論根據的雌性動物理論送你,不過,真的有任何雄性動物有這樣的需要嗎?


CAT Posted by Hello

2.22 開學無心日


今天是寒假後的第一天上課,進教室前竟然需要花很久的時間對自己做心理建設。 猛然驚覺,考上也不過是去年盛夏的事,才半年,當初收到學校錄取通知單又叫又跳的興奮心情,究竟去了哪裡? 也記得成為正式生單純的開心,一直持續到南台灣需要穿起冬衣時才慢慢和緩。 我曾經又興奮又開心的那顆心,究竟在寒假過後,跑哪去了?

原來唸書的心情和談感情的心情一樣,都無法暫停中斷。。。。 我今後四個月的一週四晚,唉。。。。


Preview of 18-year-old Hsung

A classmate posted in our class forum during Chinese Lunar New Year, that his beloved dog Coco passed away. Can't help but realize that my baby Hsung is already 9 years old, old for her dog age. Terrified by the fact that her life might actually be shorter than mine -- every pet owner's worst nightmare!!

Two days later after my worries, I saw another 18-year-old Hsung, old but still healthy. Coincidentlly, this dog looks not only like Hsung, but her name is also Hsung. All in a sudden it seems to give me a hope and dream, to force myself to believe that this is the preview of my baby Hsung when she is 18.

two hsungs Posted by Hello

Monday, February 21, 2005

test Posted by Hello